In Germany more than half of the harvested potatoes are industrially processed.  From potato are produced high-quality food products, like potato chips, French  fries, potato flakes, as well as starch and alcohol. The importance of industrial potato processing is in- creasing. In Germany, more processed potatoes are consumed as fresh potatoes. is © by MAEHNERT-Germany 2002/2024 In Germany, in 2011 about 11.9 million tons of potatoes were harvested. This represents an increase over previous year by about 18%. Every German eats currently about 60 kg potatoes per year. About 100 years ago it was still 285kg per year. Our experience is that there is currently a worldwide trend for potato  processing. Even in countries where there are only small industrial potato  processing factories available, such plants are built or expanded.   Mainly factories for the production of potato chips and French fries are  built.  We are supporting these projects with our experience - from planning to  commissioning of the production lines.  How we can help you?    ------->  read more!